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Cancellation & Security Info

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations within 21 days of arrival date, 50% forfeit of the total booking price.
Cancellations within 7 days of arrival date, 100% forfeit of the total booking price.
This will be charged to the credit card number obtained with your booking confirmation. We suggest you are covered by travel insurance, in case of unforeseen circumstances.


Enquire direct for more information regarding the Harbour Master option.
All rates include a start-up Complimentary Breakfast Provisions Basket.

Security Policy

Your payment is processed through DATACOM Payment Gateway. DATACOM secures all your customer and credit-card data with military-grade software and servers, and the highest level of encryption available. Mooring Lane Lodge will not store or transfer any of your credit card information. All data is transferred using DATACOM’s secure servers.

Our Accommodation

The Harbourside Loft

A two bedroom suite, tucking back into large tree ferns and forest, with a private entry. More... 

The Harbourside Snug

Our Harbourside Snug is a one bedroom, suite with its own entry through the garden. More... 

The Harbour Master

Mooring Lane is available as a complete property for week-long family gatherings. More... 

What to see while at the Lodge